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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

MG3Media: Sustainable Bay Area

Clean transportation, green building, sustainable food, clean tech and more . . .

May is National Bike Month and tomorrow marks the 16th Annual Bike To Work Day, a focused effort and public campaign to bring awareness to clean transportation options.

It's encouraging to know that millions have already taken up the gauntlet to decrease CO2 emissions, while lessening the burdens on our nation's roadways.  The reward: cleaner air, less stress and increased fitness. Today also kicks off MG3Media's 6 week series on the topic of sustainability in the Bay Area.  I caught up recently with my friend and sustainable living evangelist, Avra Goldman, to get her thoughts and share the efforts she is personally involved in.  Avra is a San Francisco resident and apart from living a sustainable lifestyle, works for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

Why are sustainable cycling programs important to our community; what measurable impact do they have? 
They reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) which directly reduces harmful emissions; biking increases health, provides exercise and makes for a higher opportunity for chance encounters with strangers or friends, it promotes community building.

What are some basic steps you recommend to get people involved in sustainable transportation?
The first step could be to figure out what might help you drive less (i.e. a buddy to bike with, a transit map, carpool), visit for trip planning to reduce miles traveled, use Google maps bike option, take a bike training . . .

What is the role of the organization where you work (Bay Area Air Quality Management District)?
Our aim is to protect public health; we contribute to cleaning the air; we aim to achieve permanent emissions reductions and promote environmentally sustainable transportation alternatives - such as bicycling.

What kinds of projects does the organization typically fund?
We fund bicycle facility projects, engine upgrades, new cleaner vehicle purchase, advanced demonstration technology projects, smart growth, shuttle projects, signal timing projects, and GHG reduction projects.

Do you fund projects locally, regionally or nationally?
Our district is composed of the 9 counties of the Bay Area including: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Napa, South Solano and South Sonoma.

Do you have a website, blog or other resource we can direct readers to for more specific information?
Sure, readers can visit:

For those already well versed in sustainable efforts for the environment and our collective health, it seems obvious that 'everyday' should be a conscious transportation day. People will often roll their eyes at efforts to highlight a specific day set aside for a special cause.  I personally think it's important to have these days as a reminder and/or sign to those not currently involved.  It's a way so say, 'check this out' . . . there are options. You never know who you might reach, or a life you might change in the process.  

So Happy 'Bike To Work Day!' And, thank you Avra for taking a moment to connect with MG3Media readers on this important topic.  I'm headed over to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District link to learn more about how we can continue to improve the air quality in our community. 

A Few Resources:

Need a bike? 
Post a link to your favorite bike shop in the Comment Section to help others get started on their clean transportation efforts. =)

I'm in the Los Altos/Mountain View area.  Here are three shops within walking distance from my home. 

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